Paging Through a Large Result Set with Titanium and Appcelerator Cloud Services
Tabbing Through a Form in Titanium
I saw a recent post on Appcelerator Q&A asking if it were possible to simulate the ‘tab’ key functionality for moving the focus down to the next text field in a form, as opposed to having to manually set an event listener on each text field to listen for the ‘return’ key to be pressed, then setting the focus on the next field. I’m not sure if the tab option is possible in Ti, but we can automate the latter option a bit by keeping track of our fields in an array.
First Ever Mexico City Titanium Titans Meetup
Last week my wife and I went back to Mexico City for the first time since we moved last year. Aside from getting to see the old neighborhood and visit with friends in the area, which was great, I also took the opportunity to connect with some other Appcelerator Titanium users that are based D.F. What resulted is what I’d call a ‘mini’ Titanium Titans meetup!
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