in Appcelerator Titanium

Alloy Action Jackson: An Android Action Bar Demo App for Appcelerator Titanium

Alloy Action Jackson: It’s Time for Action.

Appcelerator added Action Bar support around Titanium SDK 3.0, and has been adding more support/changes for stuff like Action Bar Tabs and the Android Search View with each new SDK update. I needed to get myself up to speed on this new functionality, so I set up Alloy Action Jackson.

As you can probably guess, Alloy Action Jackson demonstrates various Action Bar-related functionality using Titanium Alloy. I’ll add more examples as I come across them, and maybe even post a how-to or three.

I also used the app to test setting up custom Holo Themes, which I talk about here.

Get It

Alloy Action Jackson is available on Github.

Custom Holo Themes

Also, be sure to check out my post on how to add custom action bar and holo themes to Android in Titanium.


About Action Jackson

Action Jackson was a (terrible? classic?) 80’s movie starring Carl Weathers as the title character. I don’t even remember seeing the movie, but after reading the word ‘Action’ for hours on end while going through documentation, it’s pretty much all I could think up when it came time to name the project.

Action Jackson currently sits at 10% on Rotten Tomatoes.