Find/Replace in Titanium Studio Using Regular Expressions I recently needed to clean up a data file in an Appcelerator Titanium project I was working on by removing the double quotes surrounding some numbers. Continue Reading →
Titanium Studio Prompting for Username and Password when connecting to Github One of the great things about remote source control (aside from saving your skin when you mess up some code or when a hard drive goes bad) is that it enables you to easily move or duplicate your development environment from one computer to another. Continue Reading →
How to Switch Between iPhone Standard and Retina Simulators for Appcelerator Titanium The iPhone Simulator allows you to switch between viewing a standard display, or a larger 'retina' display to see how your app looks in the different sizes. Continue Reading →
Appcelerator Cloud Services Demo App Shipping in your Ti SDK I just heard about a nice little gem that is definitely useful for getting up to speed with the new Appcelerator Cloud Services API: Inside the module that is shipping with the Ti 2.0.1 SDK is a ‘kitchen sink’ style app covering pretty much everything in the Ti.Cloud API. Continue Reading →
Paging Through a Large Result Set with Titanium and Appcelerator Cloud Services Titanium 2.0 was released today, and a big feature is Appcelerator’s new Cloud Services (formerly Cocoafish). Continue Reading →
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